My loves!
It’s always so good to take some time off and go on vacation, right?! Especially when the place is amazing and you have the best company ever – yes, Icaro went with me!!! We went to Saint Barth, a super cool and beautiful French island. We spent the last few days in Anguilla, a British island (both in the Caribbean), super safe, with the most beautiful ocean I have ever seen! It was perfect and I already want to go back! I’m still going to share multiple looks with you, even the beach ones if you want, but i’ll start with one of my favorites which I wore to dinner at the On The Rocks, restaurant – the gourmet restaurant of the Eden Rock hotel in St. Barth!
I wore a see-through midi length skirt with a black bathing suit full of cutouts. I finalized the look with super delicate flats for a touch of shine and a green clutch. The look was very beachy and sexy!
Check it out:
Skirt: Olympiah | Body: Revolve | Sandals: Carrano | Clutch: Edie Parker
Beijos e uma ótima semana para todos nós!