Mais um episódio da “série” sobre a minha primeira gestação está no ar e acho que esse era um dos mais esperados por vocês, hein? Desde que eu descobri a gravidez já tinha um palpite sobre o sexo do bebê, mas acreditam que no último segundo, pouco antes de descobrirmos, me bateu uma leve dúvida?
Another episode of my maternity series is up and I think this was one of the most awaited by all of you, huh? Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I already had a hunch about the baby’s gender, but can you believe that at the last second, just before we found out, I had a slight doubt?

Either way, our priority wasn’t whether our baby would be a girl or a boy – and we didn’t even have a preference. Our biggest concern was making sure the baby was healthy and developing super well – which is happening, thank God!
Our closest family members shared their guesses about the baby’s gender and before you watch the video I want to know yours: do you think a mini Camila or a mini Icaro is coming? lol Check it out!
Who guessed right? We will have a baby of the sign of Leo, which according to the Zodiac, is and full of energy, animation and determination. Strong, right? I love it!
Next step is to think about the decoration of the room and of course, the most “difficult” part: the name! As I said in the video, we want a short name that works for both Portuguese and English pronunciation – since we are Brazilians, but we live in the United States. I really want your suggestions, so please tell me which names do you like?
And once again, thank you for following along this new phase of my life! We’re loving the comments and all the love and care you’ve shown ❤ See you next week.