Known as one of women’s most desired items, the handbag is that versatile accessory that not only makes all the difference in your look, still allows you to carry your essentials for different occasions. Available in countless models, sizes, fabrics, colors and details, you can find bags of different prices and brands.

For fashion lovers, designer handbags are super coveted, timeless luxury accessories that can cost thousands, becoming true investments that can be valued over the years. These pieces are usually handmade and have unique details, making the models true classics in the fashion world.

Check out the 5 most expensive models in the world:

Louis Vuitton

Photo: @louisvuitton

Photo: Unsplash

Created in 1854, Louis Vuitton is a French brand known for different styles of handbags. But the classic model with the LV monogram is usually the favorite of fashionistas, being a great option for those who love style, luxury and a modern piece at the same time. Therefore, the brand’s models can reach up to $150,000.


Photo: @fendi

Photo: Unsplash

Uma bolsa da Fendi carrega uma boa dose de elementos luxuosos e pode representar sofisticação e elegância ao mesmo tempo. A grife italiana é conhecida por suas icônicas peças na alta costura e também pelos acessórios modernos e cheios de luxo, fazendo com que uma bolsa possa custar em torno de US$ 28.000 (cerca de R$ 140.000).

A Fendi bag carries a good dose of luxurious elements and can represent sophistication and elegance at the same time. The Italian brand is known for its iconic haute couture pieces and also for its modern and luxurious accessories, so that a bag can cost around US$28,000.

A Fendi bag carries a healthy dose of luxury elements and can represent sophistication and elegance at the same time. The Italian brand is known for its iconic haute couture pieces and also for its modern and luxurious accessories, making a bag cost around $28,000.


Photo: @mouawad

Would you pay $3.8 million for a handbag with 4,000 white diamonds, 105 yellow diamonds, 56 pink diamonds, and gold details? This is the model created by designer Robert Mouawad, who is part of the company that bears his surname and is known for its luxury goods in fashion and jewelry in Switzerland and the Emirates.

In 2011, the model in question, known as the “1001 Nights Diamond Purse” entered the Guinness Book as the world’s most valuable purse.


Photo: @chiaraferragni

Owner of some of the most expensive handbag models in the world, Hermès was initially a French company that produced harnesses for horses. Over the years, it began to produce different luxury items, until it became known for its iconic handbag models, all handcrafted with premium leather.

Who has never wished to own a classic Hermès Birkin model? This bag can cost around $300,000 or more and is inspired by actress Jane Birkin.


If you’re looking for a model that represents the ultimate synonym of elegance and style, get ready to invest in a classic Chanel bag. Madonna, for example, has a model made of crocodile leather and white gold, in addition to carrying 334 diamonds of 3.56 carats and has a removable strap made of 18k gold. Chic and minimalist without ever going out of style, the models from the French label can cost more than US$ 261,000!

So, what was your first luxury handbag? And which one do you dream of having in your closet?