On today’s post I came to show you a super comfy yet stylish look perfect for those days where we are on-the-go!
I wore this outfit in a pre-fashion week that I had and decided to play with shades of pink combining them among themselves. I love wearing monochromatic ensembles, I think it looks chic and cool at the same time, even more so in the rose quartz and blush – a shade that I love! The days here have started to become a bit cooler and for that reason I went for cropped pants, a flowy blouse and a lace top underneath in a darker shade of pink. I finalized with a mini purse and super comfortable and feminine wedges.
Sandália: Carmen Steffens | Calça: Zara | Bolsa: Dior | Blusa: Carol Bassi
Gostaram, amores?