Episode 9 of the Pregnancy series is a new Quiz, this time between baby Coelho’s grandma (my mom) and dad, of course. The idea is to ask questions and whoever answers first (and right) probably knows me best!

And as you already know, this is a fun video and even a little tense lol, because we are not very competitive, right? Who do you think got it right, the son-in-law or the mother-in-law? Check it out in the video below:

I wonder how much you guys also know me? Leave your answers in the comments section. I want to see, huh?

  1. At how old was my passport photo taken?
  2. In this passport photo, what color lipstick was I wearing?
  3. What are my 3 favorite fruits?
  4. What was my first car?
  5. What is my favorite food?
  6. How tall am I?
  7. What were the first two people I told that I was pregnant?
  8. What will you always find in my kitchen’s pantry?
  9. What item of clothing do I have the most in my closet and that I wear the most?
  10. I get the most stressed when…?
  11. What is my favorite sport?
  12. If I had to choose only one makeup product to use, what would it be?
  13. Two things I like to do most when I get back from a trip?
  14. What was my favorite subject in school?
  15. Who was my childhood best friend?
  16. What’s my weirdest habit?
  17. What is my biggest dream?

What did you think of this video? As you can see, we had fun and laughed a lot recording it! What questions did you have no idea about the answer?

And of course, next week we have another episode, okay? Hope to see you and thank you for following along.
